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Friday, September 11, 2009


An unidentified man in Wisconsin is trying to put 4 women, including his wife, in jail. Why? Because they glued his dick to his stomach! It appears this man was banging all 4 women at once, and they figured it out, then lured him into a motel room and tied him to the bed, eventually gluing his tool to his tummy.

This guy is clearly a scumbag, but these women are also idiots. First of all, if you want to glue a man’s penis to another body part, you should probably wrap it under the testicles and stick it to his asshole. I don’t know, I’m just spit-ballin’ here. Beyond that, it’s probably funnier to stick a cheater’s dick to an inanimate object, like a DICKtionary, or a brick or something.

Hell, if my wife was fucking 3 other dudes and I had the foresight to conjur up a plan like this, I’d super-glue a hungry cat stomach-side down between her tits. Nobody thinks shit through these days...

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